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Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing recommendations for the prevention of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) among film industry workers

Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing recommendations for the prevention of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) among film industry workers.

  • Organization of daily monitoring of the body temperature of the employee before the start of the work shift and during the work shift and mandatory removal from the workplace of persons with elevated body temperature and / or with signs of an infectious disease.
  • It is recommended that a laboratory examination of participants be performed on COVID-19 two days before the start of filming. If you suspect COVID-19 (the presence of a positive result) in relation to the employee and his contact persons, a set of relevant anti-epidemic measures is organized with a ban on taking pictures.
  • Restriction of contacts between the teams of individual workshops, sections, departments and functional groups that are not connected by common tasks and production processes (the principle of a group cell).
  • Staying as far as possible the employees of various workshops on the set in turn. The filming process must be organized in such a way that at the same time there is a minimum number of people on the site.
  • Allocation of the possible time intervals between the work of each workshop for at least 20 minutes.
  • Restricting access to the set of the entire crew (except for people directly involved in this scene) if the scene is shot in a small space. Organization of tracking the filming process on the playback, which should be placed outside the set if possible.
  • Shooting in the interior, taking into account the area of 4 square meters per person for unfurnished premises and 6 square meters for a furnished room.
  • Organization at the entrance to the site and in public places of the places where hands are treated with skin antiseptics intended for these purposes (including using installed dispensers), or with disinfectant wipes.
  • Providing workers with a supply of disposable masks (based on the duration of the work shift and changing the masks at least 1 time in 3 hours), as well as disinfectant wipes, skin antiseptics for treating hands. Reuse of disposable masks, as well as the use of moistened masks are not allowed.
  • The use of masks for all personnel outside the frame.
  • Collection of used masks in special marked polyethylene bags with subsequent disposal as solid waste.
  • Conducting daily (shift) wet cleaning of office premises and public places (eating, rest, toilet rooms) using viricidal disinfectants. Disinfection with a frequency of treatment every 4 hours of all contact surfaces: door handles, switches, handrails, railings, table surfaces, backs of chairs, office equipment, lighting handles, etc.
  • Use in premises with a constant presence of workers of bactericidal irradiators of air of recirculating type.
  • If possible, regular airing (every 2 hours) of the working rooms and shooting pavilions.
  • Placement of dressing rooms from each other at a distance of 1.5-2.0 meters.
  • Disinfecting make-up hands before and after applying makeup to the actor.
  • The use of makeup from the packaging for only one actor (the exclusion of the use of one mascara, lipstick, tone, contouring means for several actors).
  • Conducting work with costumes in dressing rooms of sufficient area to maintain social distance or providing separate rooms for the main actors, supporting actors and episodes.
  • Handling the costumer and actor’s hands with disinfectants before and after work.
  • Restrict the use of extras, if possible, shoot with mass scenes to the period after quarantine.
  • In the absence of a dining room - a ban on eating at workplaces, the allocation for eating a specially designated room or part of the room, if possible with an equipped sink for washing hands and a dispenser for processing hands with a skin antiseptic.
  • Catering with food delivery in individual packaging. To comply with social distance, if necessary, provide meals in several shifts.
  • Do not allow buffet-style buffets.
  • To collect waste, used disposable tableware, containers, containers with lids are installed in the eating room.
  • Organization of delivery of workshop employees by vehicles rented at the time of filming. Secure vehicles for workshops and actors. It is recommended not to use car sharing services.
  • Informing employees about the need to comply with preventive measures, personal and public hygiene rules: the regimen of regular hand washing with soap or skin antiseptics during the whole working day, after each visit to the toilet. before each meal.